
Queste immagini sono state esposte dal 7 al 21 marzo 2024 in Canada a Halifax alla photoart gallery ViewPoint Gallery 

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These images were the subject of an exhibition in April 2024 at the Zisa cultural sites in Palermo

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The beginning of the so-called "Arab Springs", the subsequent revolts, the first free elections in the Maghreb, the illusion of something new and different, before the chaos in the whole area, the difficulties due to the unstable neighbors ...

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The Highland games are events held in spring and summer in Scotland and other countries with a large Scottish diaspora, as a way of celebrating Scottish and Celtic culture, especially that of the Scottish Highlands. Here you can see the games at the Bute Island.

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in a small arena in a remote village in the Colombian district of Armenia we follow a cockfight.  Strange world closely linked to betting .

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The Buenavista village in the forest in the Cali district was a real open-air laboratory for the study of malaria with the main malarial plasmodia present in situ and carefully studied and monitored by doctors from the University of Cali and the WHO. Who knows where Livingstone is now, the little boy who waited for us every morning and spent the day with us, who knows if he remembers diving into the river from the railway bridge to show how good he was!

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A major pollution problem in the most of sub-Saharan African Countries  is caused by gasoline being smuggled in. In the case of Benin it is gasoline coming directly from wells in Nigeria and not sufficiently refined. Transport is extremely dangerous because is done  first by trucks, cars, barges and then, for widespread distribution, with motorcycles or carts. Petrol can be found on every street corner at prices about 40% lower than the official ones. Recently the Beninese government is studying a way to reduce illegal sales but there are undoubtedly many problems related to the fact that a large part of the population lives thanks to this parallel market.
In these images the warehouses on the border between Benin and Nigeria, transport and the distribution network.

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In Erdenet,a mining town in northern Mongolia, there is the fourth largest copper mine in the world. The city was founded in 1974 and up to 1990 over half of the inhabitants were Russians who worked there as engineers or miners.

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In Auvergne, in the heart of France, there is a bison farm. The owners, Mathieu and Christelle Peron, decided years ago to start a breeding, "bisons d'Auvergne", now over 300 heads of American bison. Free to graze on large territories.

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During our trip at the border between Arizona and Mexico in the Sonora desert, we interviewed institutional figures and families of illegal immigrants, visiting symbolic places such as the wall that divides Mexico and the United States or like the Pima County Medical examiner, marching in the desert south of Aricava and looking for both those who are preparing for the crossing and who is was forced to return.

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Migrants  are letting their Countries mainly because of the war and spend months traveling through different countries, passing many borders.

Our journey begins in Macedonia, just after the Greek border, in the middle ground between the border and the train station of Gevgeljia where migrants wait , controlled by the Macedonian police . Periodically soem groups are let to reach the trains on which they will embark to go to Serbia . A steady stream of adults , families , children, babies . The authorities speak of 500,000 passages from January to June 2015 and an expectation over the next year to two million migrants ...

An incredible number of migrants crowding along the rails of the train ; Red Cross volunteers and various other organizations provide food, water and medical advice but  at the same time other people are trying to sell cigarettes or other beverages at a very high price

At the end the train leaves and migrants can go until the Northern Macedonian border and pass to Serbia: another Country is passed.

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"Vidomégon" in Benin means, in fon language, "children in foster care". An ancient tradition meant that the children of the poor families of the countryside went to study at the rich ones or with relatives in the city, but in recent decades this habit has often turned into a sort of child traffic for labor. About 400 girls and children are living in the Great Market of Dantopka in Cotonou. Sister Maria Antonietta Marchese and the Salesian Sisters have for about twenty years created an house in the market, being now a point of reference for combating the exploitation of child labor throughout all the country; in these years they have created an important network with schools and reception, in an attempt to monitor and recover at school, together with specific State structures such as the Police of Minors, psychologists and teachers, as many children as possible.

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